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Short Term Rental Accommodation and Bed & Breakfast Establishments Licensing

Background Information

Similar to the experiences of multiple communities throughout Ontario, the renters of some short-term rental accommodations (STRAs) in Oro-Medonte are disruptive to the neighbourhoods where the STRAs exist.

Fully appreciating and understanding concerns expressed by Oro-Medonte residents regarding problematic STRAs, on October 16, 2024, Council held a public education session by way of a Special Meeting of Council regarding enforcement challenges pertaining to STRAs in the township. The session included presentations and interactive discussion with two experienced professionals:

  • Paul Dray, a prosecutor with more than 35 years of experience in prosecuting Provincial offense matters before the Courts on behalf of municipalities spoke regarding his experiences with STRA prosecutions.
  • Gerald Spencer, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement, City of Niagara Falls, spoke regarding challenges the City of Niagara Falls experienced using its Zoning By-law as a STRA enforcement tool, and steps the City took to enforce STRAs in their community.

For a prosecution of an STRA under the Township’s Zoning By-law 97-95 to be successful in Provincial Offences Court, evidence is required that proves beyond a reasonable doubt, that a STRA was operating as commercial accommodation. This evidence is challenging to gather. The type of evidence required, and the evidence that is not permitted to be submitted in court is outlined in the September 11, 2024, staff report to Council noted below, and by Mr. Dray in his presentation to Council, and his responses to questions posed.

To view the education session please see Special Council Meeting - Oct 16, 2024.

Information Pertaining to Draft Municipal Licensing By-law for Short Term Rental Accommodations and Bed & Breakfast Establishments

The Township of Oro-Medonte has prepared a draft Municipal Licensing By-law for Short Term Rental Accommodations (STRAs) and Bed and Breakfast Establishments (B&Bs). The intent of the By-law is to establish rules and regulations for the safe operation of legal STRAs and B&B Establishments, and penalties for non-compliance.  The draft By-law applies to legal Short Term Rental Accommodations that function as commercial accommodation, and Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Illegal operators would be subject to the penalty provisions outlined in the draft By-law.

The Public Information Meeting will inform the public of the proposed Licensing By-law and enforcement strategies to deal with legal and illegal STRAs and B&B Establishments, and to receive feedback from meeting attendees.   

The Public Information Meeting will be held on Monday, March 24, 2025, commencing at 6:00 pm in the Banquet Hall at the Oro-Medonte Community Centre located at 71 Line 4 North (corner of Highway 11 South and Line 4 North).  Township Planning and Municipal Law Enforcement Staff, Consultants that prepared the draft Licensing By-law, and representatives from the company that will assist the Township with enforcement will be available at the meeting to discuss potential concerns and answer questions from members of the public.

The meeting format is as follows:

  • 6:00 p.m. - Doors Open
  • 6:30 p.m. - Presentation Followed by Questions and Answers
  • 7:00 p.m. - Opportunity for One on One Discussion with Township Representatives
  • 8:00 p.m. - Meeting Concludes

Input regarding the draft Licensing By-law is welcome and encouraged. Comment sheets will be provided to allow members of the public and interested stakeholders to comment on any specific concerns about the draft Licensing By-law.

 Written submissions can be made by Friday, April 4, 2025, through the following methods:

Comment sheets will be provided at the Public Information Meeting to allow members of the public and interested stakeholders to comment on any specific concerns about the draft Licensing By-law.

Comments collected through this process will be used to finalize the draft Licensing By-law and will be reported back to Council in summary format. 

Additional Information

Short Term Rental Accommodations (STRAs) (distinct from Bed and Breakfast Establishments and Timeshares, which are other types of STRAs) can be broadly described as dwelling units offered for rent via electronic platforms, which are rented out for the purpose of commercial gain and profit, for periods as short as one (1) day, but more typically for three (3) days or a week, and not longer than a month. 

Currently, STRAs are only permitted in certain zone categories. The Township’s Zoning By-law No. 97-95 permits STRAs in the Village Resort Commercial area within the Village (V1) and Residential Two, Exception 123 (R2-123) Zones.

The following areas in the Township are currently zoned under Zoning By-law 97-95 to permit a timeshare or commercial unit allowing for short term accommodation:

  • Horseshoe Resort Condos
  • The Carriage Hills Resort and Carriage Country Club

It is important to note that Commercial Accommodation is not listed as a permitted use in any of the Township's residential zones under the Township’s Zoning By-law 97-95, as amended. Therefore, STRAs are not permitted in residential zones throughout Oro-Medonte.

Bed and Breakfast uses are another form of STRA, and are only permitted as of right in the Agriculture/Rural Zone (A/RU), or Private Recreation (PR) Zone under the Township’s Zoning By-law 97-95, as amended. They are permitted elsewhere by exception when approved through a Zoning Amendment, which property owners are required to apply for.

The purpose of municipal licensing is to ensure that commercial operations are maintaining minimum standards to protect the health and safety of the public. Municipal licensing works in conjunction with the Township’s Zoning By-law, which defines the uses permitted in a zone and the requirements for the use (setbacks from property lines, parking, building height and area, location of accessory buildings, etc.) 

If a commercial use is subject to a licensing By-law, the owner of the property must apply for a license and meet certain health and safety requirements before a license can be issued. Each use has to meet certain requirements specified in the Licensing By-law. The requirements are different for a restaurant compared to a kennel.  Some activities are licensed by the Province through professional associations. For example, Doctors, Accountants and Plumbers and others are not licensed by municipalities. 

The Township is considering introducing a licensing By-law for legal STRAs and Bed and Breakfast Establishments (B&Bs) to ensure that operators of these facilities are maintaining minimum standards for the safety of their guests, and to introduce rules regarding how operators advertise and operate for the purpose of protecting the safety and character of neighbourhoods where they operate. 

The intent of the Licensing By-law is to license legal short term rental accommodations, and bed and breakfast accommodation establishments (B&Bs) within the Township. The By-law aims to protect tenant health and safety by enforcing housing and property standards on STRAs and B&B’s and minimize neighborhood nuisances.

The Township’s Municipal Law division follows a complaint based approach to monitor, manage, and enforce Zoning By-law 97-95 pertaining to STRs which are considered and identified as problematic.

Complaints can be made by calling the Municipal Law Enforcement office, submitting an on-line fillable complaint form, or sending an e-mail to the municipal law enforcement general e-mail address. The submission of a completed complaint form is preferred given that it will outline all the required information for a complaint.

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