The data collected through the business engagement questionnaire will provide insight into the challenges/needs of the local business community, identifying barriers that businesses/landowners are experiencing. This will inform the next steps and the development of a road map for the Township and partners, and for consideration creating annual work plans/budgets and can inform policy direction.
Oro-Medonte Business Engagement Program
Business Engagement Questionnaire
The Business Engagement Questionnaires are now closed, we thank everyone for their input into this process.
In 2025 we will be working through the analysis of the data collected and building an action plan and recommendations for Staff & Council’s consideration. If you have any questions or would like to provide any further input please email
Business Engagement Program Overview
The economic well-being of Oro-Medonte Township is directly impacted by the successes and challenges facing its business community. In recognition of this, action is being taken by the Oro-Medonte Economic Development team to engage with local businesses and landowners to understand future needs and opportunities. The data and feedback collected will assist the Township with creating an action plan to develop a sustainable economy and build on the Township’s current Economic Development Strategy and integrate findings from other key initiatives, such as the Tourism Action Plan and the Employment Land Strategy, completed over the past few years.
This project is funded in part by the Ontario government through the Rural Economic Development Program.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will the information be used for?
The Business Engagement Program (BEP) supports the recommendations in the Township’s endorsed Economic Development Strategy, Employment Land Strategy and Corporate Strategic Plan. These strategies identify the following actions:
- Enhance the Township's readiness to attract and retain new investment
- Engage/survey landowners/developers, understand status of land and current/future needs
- Inquire if businesses would like investment attraction support
- Identify specific community needs
- Gather data on target markets/sectors in preparation for future available land or buildings
- Understand if there is a retail/service-gap
- Inform the Township/partners about opportunities to develop/implement investment attraction initiatives for existing land/buildings/businesses
- Understanding/awareness to facilitate the development of lands
Support strategic development in identified growth areas that preserve and enhance Oro-Medonte’s rural character - Support to expansion plans of existing Oro-Medonte businesses.
- Consider improving the marketability and feasibility of developing vacant employment lands learning about the necessary pre-screening studies and assessments
How long is the questionnaire?
All questionnaires will take approximately 15-20 minutes, when completed online.
The survey closed at 4:00PM on December 16, 2024.
To enter the contest for the Business Engagement Program, you must be 18 years or older, own/operate a business/land in the Township of Oro-Medonte and complete the full questionnaire, one submission per business. By entering you have a chance to win one of five Oro-Medonte gift packs with a value of $125 including a gift card to a local business and Oro-Medonte Swag! (one entry per questionnaire type will be drawn). Details on the draw are included at the end of the survey. Winners will be notified the week of January 13, 2025.
**Please note dates are subject to change.
Why is the Township creating a local directory?
A local directory will have several benefits including but not limited to:
- Awareness of businesses in the Township
- Opportunity to build business to business connections
- Encouragement to support local businesses
- Strengthen the local community and overall economic growth
Information collected through the Township of Oro-Medonte Economic Development team, for the Business Engagement Program, will be used for municipal purposes and to maintain a public list of businesses across the Township. Information not published will be used for internal analysis and aggregation, for reporting to Council and informing future plans.
Is the information provided in the survey confidential?
Data collected will be strictly confidential. Aggregated data and analysis will be provided by the Township through a final report. The information contained in this survey is to understand the business climate within Oro-Medonte, no personal information will be shared publicly.